

Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 12.06.41 PMThe search feature allows you to browse the hundreds of note templates and procedure notes available on the site.


MAC1After clicking a specific note template on the search menu, you can then build your note before copying and pasting into your EMR.

Edit/Create New

Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 1.14.42 PMOur note template editing software allows you to easily edit existing or create new templates to fit your practice of medicine.

Improve Efficiency

Our easy to use note templates will save you hours per week in documentation and get you back in front of your patients.

Multiple Specialties

Our note templates is geared towards Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Pediatric providers.

Fully Customizable

On top of the hundreds of note templates that we provide, our note editor allows you to create and share notes/macros/smartphrases.

Increase RVU's

Make your hospital administrators happy.  Templates improve billing and increase compliance with documentation of core measures.

End the Documentation Burden

NoteDoctors is the cure for documentation burnout. Our interactive, diagnosis specific note templates make it possible to document (almost) painfree.

Improving Medical Documentation

Many providers complain that their documentation systems are clunky and time-consuming, designed more for hospital administrators than physicians.  Our clickable note generators are designed to be concise and efficient, yet complete and medicolegally sound.  Written by Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Pediatric physicians for physicians, PAs, NPs.  NoteDoctors will save you time, many hours per month, and end the headaches associated with clunky EMRs.

Today’s systems too often obstruct medical care, and threaten to monopolize providers’ time at the expense of talking to patients.

Physicians spend more time entering data into electronic health records than they do with patients, according to a study published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that medical interns spent just 12% of their time talking to patients, or about 8 minutes a day per patient, but more than 40% of their time on a computer filling out electronic paperwork.

NoteDoctors can help!

Percentage of Time Spent During the Average Shift Based on a Study in AJEM.

  • Documentation and Data Entry 43% 43%
  • Patient Care 28% 28%
  • Interaction with Colleagues 13% 13%
  • Reviewing Tests and Records 12% 12%

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Join today and get access to this phenomenal documentation efficiency tool for medical providers.